Diy Lipbalm ❤️

Do you ever get so obsessed with your lips and doesn’t want it to get chapped or flaky? Here’s a thing for you.

I’ve been a fan of lipbalms eversince because i don’t want my lips to appear dry or pale. I tried other lip balms but it only causes my lips to get dark, eek. 😝  When i was searching for dark lips remedy, it says that it’s more safe to use a diy lipbalm so i tried it.

I only use 2 ingredients for this and it doesn’t cost that much. Tang strawberry juice mix and Petroleum jelly! 🙌😁


So here’s the steps:

1. Melt the petroleum jelly. Put it in the microwave for 30 seconds, then check the consistency. Heat it again for 30 seconds until it becomes liquid. (Be careful on putting the bowl out of the microwave, it will be very hot.)


2. Pour the Tang Strawberry Juice mix and stir. Stir until the mix is dissolved.

3. Pour the mixture in a clean lipbalm container or any clean container (you can even use a contact lens case.)

4. Let it cool, They should solidify. (You can put it in the refrigirator for minutes.)




No more flaky, dry and chapped lips! 😀



Hope you enjoyed ❤


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